
Episode 8

Episode 8: Clan-nism and kasta-nism are not in my dictionary.

Good day. Lunch time now.
Yep i already had it.
Today i was figure out in progress-separating room for lecturers to have their own meal at cafeteria.
It was suck.
Not worth it.
Trying to make kasta kah?

Just look and see.

To be continued...


Episode 7

Episode 7: Feeling and little bit of my dream
I am always thinking how to make my friends are happy. So, actually sometimes its diverges from original objectives. I lack of concern, may be. I got many friends out there. But i prefer to survive my self to do something. Except in certain things -lah. In order words, may be i can say that i do not have 'sahabat'.

Sahabat mean u can share everythings with him/her. This type of friend i still looking for. I admit that i have a girlfriend and she is maybe my-wife- to-be. With her, this remaining time i think she is my closest friends(will declare " sahabat" if we merried) because she put very-very-very big concern of me. I feel little bit happy rite now with her. But my problem is that how to explain to my parent i want to marry her?


John Covey said in his book: First things first.
Hurmmm... i need to rest and calm down couple days end of this year to think back what is priority things should i settle down first and sketch down my big plan in 2010.

-My new Nilai 3 window bridal- a melancholic of 1431/2010 new year-

Oh, Allah please give me guidence to be a better man.

To be continued...


Episode 6

Episode 6: National Civic Bureau

I only just wan to say that, do not believe on rumors.
Reality and rumors are totally two different things.
NCB is not racist.

Discussing about Perlembagaan Malaysia, Social Contract, Raja Berpelembagaan, Hak Istimewa Orang Melayu , Bumiputera and not forgotten, non-bumi are racist? - It was fact things. Not racist man.

You should attend NCB course. Then make your own judgement.
Sorry for any mistake.

I had been there 3-7 Dec 2009.
Kem Bumi Jati Shah Alam.